Happy New Year Picture From our Favorite Dog of all Times! She Likes Party Tents to Bless her little Heart!
Hopefully Everyone Has Had A Blessed Christmas!A� And Will have a Safe but fun Beginning to a New Year!!
Winter Is always a Slow Time of Year in the Tent Rental Business,A� and there are always allot of Deals to be had from The Tent Industry! Just a reminder though Summer Time is Coming, make sure you Reserve those Summer Time Rental Tents, Tables & Chairs Early. I know We are all Ready starting to get a fairly Full Schedule for the End of June!
It Is Nice to slow Down in the Winter Months, Take a Deep Breath and Dust ourselves off from another hectic Year. Then we start get ready for the upA� coming Summer Season. But I will be Glad to get Back to doing what I love!
Covering The Great State Of Oregon With Tents!
Hello and welcome to all of the New Customers! I will Be happy to meet you. To our steady customers We will See you Soon enough! Thanks to all our customers That Helped Us along The Way! Thanks Almost Just dose not Seam enough!! I am Forever Grateful to all of you!A� Thanks and God Bless!
I hope This year is Better then Last Year and that Life just keeps getting Better!
Look Forward to speaking with all of you soon!
ThanksA� Mike